
Ginger and Passion Fruit Mojito

Anyone else out there have a standard drink order of a mojito? Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to flavors but when a bartender asks me what I’d like especially when there’s no cocktail menu in sight, I seek refuge in the classic mojito. I have at least 5 hilarious stories that have to do with the panic one feels when you realize you know NOTHING about drink types.

But the mojito mannnn. It’s ALWAYS worth it! So I like to take my standard mojito, and then play around with flavors in it. The story is; I was shopping at Whole Foods for some ripe avocados when I chanced upon some pretty looking passion fruit so I decided to make a passion fruit cocktail, mojito specifically. When I was pulling the mint bush out of my fridge, some ginger fell out with it and I took this as a sign that the universe was telling me to make a passion fruit AND ginger mojito. Challenge accepted.

I toyed around with the idea of making a ginger simple syrup, but omits taste best with fresh ingredients so I decided to go with just muddling the ginger. Worked better in my opinion!


  • 5 mint leaves
  • 4 lime wedges
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar (amount optional)
  • 1 tsp of ginger, peeled and chopped
  • 1.5 oz of rum (that’s one shot if you were wondering)
  • Seeds/pulp from half of one passion fruit
  • Sprite
  • Club soda

Well except for the rum and fizz, of course!


The How-To:

  1. Muddle the mint, lime, brown sugar and ginger in a highball glass. Put your wrist into it so you can release all the goodness and flavors of the fresh ingredients.
  2. Scoop out the seeds from the passion fruit and get the juice out of them by pushing them through a strainer or a clean cloth into the glass. Don’t worry if you don’t get much of the juice out, because now you’re going to scoop the seeds out of the strainer/cloth and back into the glass.
  3. Add the rum.
  4. Fill glass with ice.
  5. Top up halfway with sprite, the finish off with club soda. Stir very well, and serve!



This mojito recipe makes one (very generous) drink, but feel free to double up to make 2 servings.

Now let me just say that I am a mojito snob, kinda. I believe in making them the old fashioned way; brown sugar (NOT regular) instead of simple syrup, and club soda instead of sprite. But as you can see here, I’ve made some compromises because of what works best for this particular recipe. Hopefully the Committee for Preserving the Sanctity of Mojitos doesn’t see this post or anything.

Any ideas for what mojito flavor to attempt next? I’ll be experimenting with new recipes soon but if you happen to try this one, let me know. I’d love to hear what you think!



PIN collage passion fruit2


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