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Homemade Gemstone Soap

I have a thing for naturally occurring gemstones, specifically anything that looks like marble, agate or druzy. The fact that I know those names is telling of my obsession. I recently got into the Pinterest game (It’s hard to believe I own a DIY blog and have not been on Pinterest all this time!) Continue Reading


Ginger and Passion Fruit Mojito

Anyone else out there have a standard drink order of a mojito? Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to flavors but when a bartender asks me what I’d like especially when there’s no cocktail menu in sight, I seek Continue Reading


Gold + Pastel Easter Eggs

I’m on a mission to create the greatest Easter eggs ever – and I must say my first attempt is pretty up there. As you all are aware (due the countless times I’ve said it) , gold is my favorite color. But gold AND Continue Reading


Tamarind Dark & Stormy

I’m back with another Essiespice drink recipe! Essiespice and I shot together for a Valentine’s Day themed shoot, and while she did the frying, chopping and seasoning I did the shaking and Continue Reading